New candidate, same party of genocide

President Joe Biden has dropped out of the race between him and former President Donald Trump. It is likely that Vice President Kamala Harris will run in Biden’s place. The withdrawal was not unexpected, given Biden’s poor performance in the debate with former President Donald Trump.

This new development does not demonstrate any meaningful change in what — and which class — the Democratic Party represents. Even without “Genocide Joe” as the candidate, the genocide in Palestine will continue. Both the Republicans and the Democrats will maintain their support for military aid to the Zionist apartheid state. Neither the election of Trump nor of Harris will stop or even slow down the horrific ethnic cleansing taking place.

We must oppose racism and misogyny whenever they raise their ugly heads. With the possibility that Kamala Harris could be the first Black and South Asian woman president and the second person of color to be president of the U.S., we will have to speak up against the hateful bigotry emanating from the ultra-right.

But we should have no illusions that the election of someone who is not Biden will lead to any change in policy in regards to war in Palestine and against Russia. We shouldn’t expect any drop in the number of murders by racist police, who have by and large operated with impunity no matter who sits in the Oval Office. Companies like Starbucks, Amazon and Tesla are not likely to reverse their anti-union agenda. Reproductive rights will continue to be under siege in the USA.

Both capitalist exploitation at home and imperialist war abroad will continue to make life hell for the working class, especially the most oppressed. This has happened under Biden’s administration.

There is a serious danger of fascism posed by Trump and his running mate, JD Vance. Many workers have a legitimate fear. But the only way to win, especially in this era of late-stage capitalism where class antagonisms are razor-sharp, is to build a united global movement of all working class and oppressed people. That movement must act in total solidarity with the valiant resistance fight for the liberation of Palestine.

Mass marches in solidarity with the Palestinian people will take place during the Democratic National Convention, with the first one happening on August 19.

Written by Martha Grevatt

Managing Editor, Workers World newspaper, USA