Vietnam Mourns the Death of Communist Party Chief Nguyen Phu Trong at 80.

Hammer Bureau

24th Jul. '24, 5:44pm

Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese President, visited the Embassy of Viet Nam in China at approximately 4…

Heavy Death Toll Around the Country: Bangladesh Student Protest Turning into All-out Outrage 

Zahidul Islam Sazib

19th Jul. '24, 12:35pm

Bangladesh is burning right now and experiencing a nationwide massive upsurge of the students and youths. It started from an utterly irresponsible and unacceptable comment by the Bangladesh…

Unity and Struggle : On United Left Movement

Chandidas Bhattacharya

18th Jul. '24, 1:07pm

All over the world and certainly in India too, the exploited masses endure their daily hardships with the dream that capitalist exploitation will end one day. No matter…

SCO and BRICS+: Pathways to Multipolarity

Alan Paul Varghese

12th Jul. '24, 1:26pm

From the angle of realist school and liberal academia “global south” as a category is an ideal concept which is far from reality. In an article titled “Is…