Today, 9th May marks the Victory Day that commemorates the Soviet Union victory over Nazi Germany in 1945. German instrument of surrender was signed on 8th late evening in the outskirts of Berlin and the Soviet government announced the victory early on 9th May. It was the victory of Stalin and Communism over Fascism.
Alike Comrade Lenin, Comrade Stalin had to fight simultaneously within the Soviet Communist Party not only against the right-wing revisionists like Plekhanov and Potresov but also against left adventurist like Trotsky. Meanwhile, the death of Comrade Lenin made this struggle very difficult. Brave and intelligent communist leaders like Molotov, Malenkov, etc. were by the side of Comrade Stalin and relying on them and the millions of working people of the country, he fought against left-wing and right-wing revisionism within the party, and on the other hand tackled the dangers of Fascism and Nazism.
It should be noted that the prudent communist Stalin made a non-aggression pact with Germany to protect the Soviet Union from possible Nazi aggression in the context of contemporary world politics. But, in the dream of world conquest, Hitler broke the agreement and attacked Russia. After heroic struggles and sacrifices the Nazi and Fascist forces were ultimately defeated by the Soviet Red Army and surrendered. Hitler and his partner Eva Braun committed suicide with pistol shots and cyanide capsules in an underground bunker in Berlin. Mussolini was dragged from his building by the people of Italy, and his naked body was hanged face down in the streets of Milan.
But this event of success did not happen suddenly. For this, the Soviet people, the Soviet Red Army, and the leader of the Soviet, Comrade Joseph Stalin, had to face severe obstacles at home and abroad and had to pay a heavy price.
Yesterday it was the birth anniversary of great poet, Noble Laureate Rabindranath Tagore and I would like to mention some points written by Tagore in his ‘Letter from Russia’. Rabindranath visited the Soviet Union in 1930, 13 years after the Bolshevik Revolution. His “Letter from Russia” is a reflection of his experiences on that trip. He was overwhelmed by the astonishing progress of the Socialist Soviet Union in such a short period of time. He mentioned this trip to the Soviet Union as a pilgrimage for him. In fact, as a result of the New Economic Policy (NEP) adopted by Comrade Lenin and Comrade Stalin, private ownership in production and distribution was abolished and social ownership was established. As a result of the conscious control of the state and the proper coordination with the creative initiatives of the people, the Soviet Union had reduced hunger, poverty in that short span of years. Soviet became a country free of unemployment and malnutrition. Tagore was astonished seeing such development of Soviet Union by 1930 and he mentioned that havoc development of Soviet in his writings.
Due to the planned socialist economy in the Soviet Union, great welfare was achieved and the standard of living of common people improved a lot. The suffering of people during the tsar period came to a complete end and people started to live happy and comfortable life.
When the war broke out in 1939, Comrade Stalin faced a difficult and complicated situation at home and abroad. In the global arena, the Soviet Union, Britain, America, and France joined the Allies. British Prime Minister Churchill wanted the tiger and the crocodile to fight to their death and practically he did not do much against the Fascist Italy and Germany. The Soviet Red Army under the leadership of Stalin fought alone against the Nazi and Fascist forces armed with sophisticated weaponry.
Lion-hearted Comrade Stalin neither surrendered to the Fascists and Nazis nor depended on the West. He gave two calls to the countrymen – first, at least one man from every family should participate in the Russian army; and second, allow German troops to enter Soviet territory.

He further instructed his countrymen to burn their houses, storehouses, and cattles before moving back. Even they poured poison into the ponds. Stalin added that the invading German army should not get any food, shelter, clothes or even drinking water in our motherland.
This military policy of Comrade Stalin is known as “scorched earth policy”. It was this policy that ensured the defeat of the fascists. Germans entered into Soviet territory and started to capture villages and towns of Soviet Union one by one and began to give victory messages to the Fuehrer. Hitler was overwhelmed with joy. But this mood was ruined soon after the army officers from the battlefield started to ask him to provide food, clothes and shelter.
Angry Hitler could not believe the officers of his Nazi forces. He thought, if they are winning, then why would they talk about food, clothes, shelter and drink? They should easily get those in the Soviet land. The Führer could not be persuaded that Stalin and his people had destroyed everything to ashes. Hitler began to scold them. In the meantime, severe winter had arrived in Siberia. The Nazi forces began to die of cold and hunger like cats and dogs.
When the tired and exhausted German troops reached tantalizingly close to Moscow, the Soviets launched a surprised counter offensive. It was unexpected for the Nazis and the exhausted troop and their artilleries were crushed by this sudden severe attack of Soviet army. Now they started to push the Germans back. Finally the army surrendered to Lal Fouz (Red Army) on the battlefield.
The world got saved, the civilization survived from Fascism. The Red Army marched into Berlin and Hitler took Eva to the bunker with him and both committed suicide. Red flag was raised at the Berlin Palace. All of Eastern Europe became free. Fascism was defeated and Communism won.
Featured Photo courtesy: Moises Gonzalez on Unsplash