Heavy Death Toll Around the Country: Bangladesh Student Protest Turning into All-out Outrage 

Bangladesh is burning right now and experiencing a nationwide massive upsurge of the students and youths. It started from an utterly irresponsible and unacceptable comment by the Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina where she accused the protesting students as grandchildren of the ‘Razakars’. The Razakars are the people who opposed the independence of Bangladesh in 1971 and were supported and aided the Pakistani army during the Bangladesh liberation war.

According to the national media outlets, at least 12 killed in the last 48 hour in Bangladesh, as there have been heavy clash between student protesters and Police-BCL duo. A peaceful Quota reform movement demo have been taking place in major universities, but turned into a violent one as the aftermath of a violent attack by BCL goons, the government party student wing, on the protesters in top campuses including Dhaka University, Jahangirnagar University and Jagannath University, four days ago (15th July). Later the clash spreads in hundreds of educational institutions in the country including the private universities and the higher secondary colleges. 

The Government did not attempt to have a dialogue with the students. Instead the riot police deployed charged the students with tear gas and rubber bullets. Several other students, including teenagers, have been reportedly killed in different parts of the country in confrontation between the police and the university students, with the death toll rising at a threatening rate every passing day. Even yesterday late night a 20 years old promising student from Dhaka Mahanagar unit of Bangladesh Student Union was shot dead.

Communist Party of Bangladesh and Leftist parties including different student and youth organizations of the country condemned the killing and demanded rightful solution to the quota issue. Bangladesh Students’ Union, oldest left student wing of the country, Socialist Students Front are directly involved in the ongoing massive movement

Protesters held Police brutality and BCL, Jubo league (Youth Organization of Awami league) responsible for the killings.  

The very latest update is government finally agrees for dialogue with the leaders of the movement. But as the outrage is huge, for the government and its different administrations, the scenario is direly out of control now.

Written by Zahidul Islam Sazib

Youth Union Leader, Bangladesh